Thank you for visiting our page! Our privacy tells us how we use your personal information collected when visiting our website. Our team highly suggest that you read this privacy policy before using before you consent to any personal information. By using our site, you are accepting everything which is listed in this privacy policy. We may have a few changes to our privacy policy but if they do occur our team will announce this. Our team advises that our customers review the privacy policy whenever you visit our site so you can be updated if there’s any changes whereas also understanding how any personal information you provide will be used.

your personal information is very important to us:

Our privacy policy protects consumers which provide information through our website. However, is does not protect business information. It is important that you understand that by using our website you consent to the collection of your personal information. Additionally, You should also ensure that you review our terms and conditions which covers areas from the use of of hair extensions to our refund policy. By using our website displays your agreement to its terms and conditions.

Collection of information:

At we collect information that you provide to us, we also are able to gather your interests from your use of our websites and on your next visit we can suggest another product to you which relates to your previous purchases. We receive your information in different ways. This could be, registering with our websites, search, sign in, participating in surveys, shopping cart, contest or promotion or talking to one of the members of our team.

It is important that the information you provide is accurate so there will be no problems with shipping or if an issue arises one of the members of our team can contact you with the number that you provided. When visiting our site we collection useful information such as your name, address, phone number, email address, payment card information, product preferences and also personal shopping. This information will only be used to fulfil your request. If we do require this information again it will only be for our mailing list, where you can keep up to date on what new products will be added to our site.

Cookie/tracking technology:

At we may use cookies and teaching technology for gathering useful information such as browser type, operating system or tracking visitors to our website. Using cookies can also help us improve our website by customising it to our customers preference. Personal information cannot be collected by cookies but previously provided PII ( personally identifiable information) cookies may be tied to this information. Aggregate cookies and tracking information may be shared with third parties.

Data security:

The information which our customers provided are kept secure and only employees at the Hairbykele team who have agreed to keeping this information confidential have access to this information.

Distribution of information:

We may the share information with companies who accommodate us in fraud prevention or investigation and not for marketing purposes . Information can be sent to them when asked for the following :

1. protecting or preventing potential fraud/unauthorised transactions.

2. Investigating fraud

3. Required by law